What do portraits have to do with divorce?

June 30, 2018  •  1 Comment

A while ago I was approached by the office of Colwell Law Group, LLC asking me to grant them my permission to be guest bloggers on my blog and to share their ideas of how updating your family portraits post divorce, helps in the healing process for families. At first I was reluctant, but when I read their essay, I agreed with their point of view and thought sharing it with you may do some good, especially considering that some of my clients are going through their separations and divorces. So here, without further ado, is the guest blog post of the Colwell Law Group, LLC.

"Updating Your Family Portrait to Move Forward After Divorce

After a divorce, even if it was made easier with the help of an Albany divorce lawyer, just looking at reminders of your marriage to your former spouse can be upsetting. You’ve probably already stashed your ring in a drawer, nixed any souvenirs you bought together on vacations, and taken the family portrait with him or her in it off the wall. This last move can be especially painful because it can feel like you’re discarding an image of your family – and you are, but that doesn’t mean you can’t replace it with an updated family portrait.

Help yourself and your family heal from divorce by taking a new family portrait. Get in contact with a few photographers who specialize in family portraits to find one who can create an iconic image of your family.

Empower Yourself with a New Family Portrait

Creating a new family portrait can be empowering. If there was a power imbalance in your marriage, taking the reins to create an image that showcases your family the way you want to showcase them can be liberating. It can be a breath of fresh air, a new take on your family that captures who you are in a way your old portrait couldn’t.

Remember that although your new portrait might replace the old one on the wall, it can never replace the image itself. Hold onto your old portrait because some day, your child might want it. He or she might also want to look over it periodically after the divorce, so consider keeping it in storage in a closet or basement.

Showcase your Family’s Current Lineup

A portrait of you with your children is a family portrait. So is a portrait of you, your children, and your parents or you, your children, and your pet. Create a portrait that showcases exactly who your family is currently comprised of. If you have a married child or grandchildren, you can include your son- or daughter-in-law and your grandchild, too.

For some people, taking a family portrait after remarrying or having a new baby is a way to reestablish themselves as a family. You can do that, too. Consider creative ways to work your new partner and stepchildren into your family portrait to establish yourselves as a new family.

Getting a Divorce Doesn’t Mean an End to your Family

This is the most important point to keep in mind when you make changes like updating your family portrait. You are still a parent; you are still part of a family. Taking a new family portrait is a powerful way to display your family’s strength and underscore your role at the family’s head. Other ways to help yourself move on after a divorce include redecorating your home and picking up a new hobby.

There are a lot of ways you can help yourself move forward with your divorce. Don’t feel like you’re doing it wrong or that you’ve moved on too quickly or you’re moving on too slowly. Everybody recovers from divorce at their own pace, and if you’re making progress, you’re going at the right pace for yourself.

We Are Here for You

If you want a new family portrait, contact us today at Lana Ortiz Photography. We are happy to help you take a beautiful portrait so that you can move forward with your life. "


So there you go, folks, if you are looking for a family portraits to be updated, I'll be happy to give you the best portraits you'll ever have!



I am very glad to see these amazing and beautiful pictures.
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